
Pop Quiz

Take this quick quiz to see if you're doing everything you can to maximize your profitability and revenue from delivering your client projects.

Do you...

1 / 12

Clearly Identify a Standard for Deliverables?

2 / 12

Establish Clear Project Scope and Deliverables with Clients?

3 / 12

Use Project Management Tools?

4 / 12

Forecast Your Capacity to Complete Projects and Train/Hire Accordingly?

5 / 12

Monitor Resource Usage and Adjust During the Project as Needed?

6 / 12

Encourage Project Team Members to Work Together?

7 / 12

Conduct Project Postmortems?

8 / 12

Conduct Team Project Postmortems to Identify Areas of Improvement?

9 / 12

Have a Central Location for Sharing Project Work as well as Process Documents?

10 / 12

Use Tools or Techniques to Track Changes During a Project?

11 / 12

Clearly Communicate Project Progress at Regular Intervals?

12 / 12

Update Your Process Documentation Regularly to Capture Best Practices?

Your score is
